To express the boredom felt by all the daily press regarding the lack of imagination of newspaper ads, 'Full Page' (a Belgian media agency) send to Belgium's creative community an actual newspaper ('Le Soir' and 'Het Laatste Nieuws', Belgium's leading dailies). All the original images were replaced by pictures showing people sleeping, and all the text was replaced by "zzzzzzzzzzzz" on every page.
The message: Full Page offers a wide range of possibilities to express your creativity, so please, do have fresh and crazy ideas for newspapers. By the way, I'm the guy with the red bike on the cover.
The message: Full Page offers a wide range of possibilities to express your creativity, so please, do have fresh and crazy ideas for newspapers. By the way, I'm the guy with the red bike on the cover.
Creation & Art Direction. Photography by Julien Claessens.