Some of the advertising campaigns I did over the years.
Multiple local & international Awards received ;-)
Copywriters: Véronique Sels, Philippe Thito, Nathalie Strybos, Olivier Roland, Fabrice Storti.
Federale Insurance.
A campaign for a fully comprehensive car insurance.
Copywriter: Nathalie Strybos. Photography: The Pickles.

Rough layout

3D tests

Perrier Christmas poster.
Each year, perrier issued a special Christmas poster in Belgium. Gold Award at the new York Festival, Silver Award at the Creative Club of Belgium, Grand Prix at Mondial Francophone, Eurobest finalist, FAB Award (International Food and Beverage Creative Excellence Awards).
Copywriter: Olivier Roland. Photography: Frank Uyttenhove.

Mobistar B2B Campaign.
B2B poster campaign for Mobistar a mobile phone network operator.
3 Gold Awards at the Creative Club of Belgium, Silver Eurobest, Magazine Print Award.
Copywriter: Véronique Sels. Photography: Frank Uyttenhove.

Volkswagen Caddy.
B2B ad campaign for the Volkswagen Caddy.
Creative Club of Belgium Finalist.
Copywriter: Véronique Sels. Creative Director: Michel Delauw. Photography: Bernard Foubert.

Smap - now Ethias -.
Campaign for an insurance company.
From the start this has been the most popular Insurance advertising campaign in Belgium, with a fresh and surprising approach. It still runs today, tough the little caracters are now in 3D.
At the beginning I collaborated with the famous french illustrator & cartoonist Lewis Trondheim renowned for his "Donjon" and "Lapinot" series.
Copywriter: Philippe Thito. Illustrator: Lewis Trondheim.
Caption translation: 1. First there was the earth 2. Than the seas 3. The mountains 4. And finally man 5. One day, man discovered winter sports 6. And the insurance that covers him 24/24 for only 50€ per year.

Caption translation: 1. At first there was nothing 2. Than matter appeared 3. On earth man appeared 4. Man discovered fire 5. Build himself houses 6. And to protect one from the other created the best certified insurance policy

Caption translation: 1. At first man had to use his legs to move around 2. Or someone else's legs 3. One day, man discovered the wheel 4. Later he invented the car 5. Speed, crossroads 6. And a unexpansive car insurance.

Volkswagen New Beetle.
Postcard for the new Beetle, a toy for adults.
Copywriter: Véronique Sels. Creative Director: Michel Delauw, Erik Vervroegen. Photography: Jean-Francois Dewitte.

Fnac, the departure.
A commercial from 2002 for Fnac, the largest retailer shop in Brussels of books, DVD's, music consumer electronics. There's a lot of choices, so people spend a lot of time inside thus the voice over and the tagline at the end say: "you know when you'll get in, never when you'll come out".
Stimorol X-Tra Long Taste.
Stimorol is a Danish chewing gum brand.
Copywriter: Olivier Roland.
Copywriter: Olivier Roland.

Creative Club of Belgium Finalist.
Copywriter: Philippe Thito.
Copywriter: Philippe Thito.

Thalys (A high speed train linking France, Belgium & The Netherlands.
The headline says: Brussels - the Alps. From 0 to 1000 metres in 5H38.
Copywriter: Olivier Roland. Photography: Frank Uyttenhove

The headline says: The short cut to Paris.

Renault Megane commercial.
Copywriter: Fabrice Storti.
Copywriter: Fabrice Storti.
Pure FM.
Campaign for a Belgian radio station.
Campaign for a Belgian radio station.
1. Great Music.

2. Fresh Music.

3. Future Stars.

Tusso Rhinathiol.
A commercial for an anti-cough pill. The widow talks about her deceased husband. Each times she says something "he was a good man", "a attentioned father" a beautiful blonde in the audience coughs. When finally the widow says " a trustful husband" she coughs even louder. The widow suddenly realises the truth and starts crying. Tagline: Annoying cough? take Tusso-Rhinathiol.
Concept & art direction. Director Rasmus Laumann. Production Acne Stockholm. Copywriter Fabrice Storti.
A commercial for an anti-cough pill. The widow talks about her deceased husband. Each times she says something "he was a good man", "a attentioned father" a beautiful blonde in the audience coughs. When finally the widow says " a trustful husband" she coughs even louder. The widow suddenly realises the truth and starts crying. Tagline: Annoying cough? take Tusso-Rhinathiol.
Concept & art direction. Director Rasmus Laumann. Production Acne Stockholm. Copywriter Fabrice Storti.
Volkswagen Golf.
A poster about the fact that the Volkswagen Golf is the most popular car in Belgium. It shows the Grouchy Smurf saying: "I don't like the Golf" since he never likes what everybody else likes. Silver Award at the Creative Club of Belgium. Voted favourite Volkswagen poster ever by the Belgian public. Copywriter Véronique Sels.
A poster about the fact that the Volkswagen Golf is the most popular car in Belgium. It shows the Grouchy Smurf saying: "I don't like the Golf" since he never likes what everybody else likes. Silver Award at the Creative Club of Belgium. Voted favourite Volkswagen poster ever by the Belgian public. Copywriter Véronique Sels.

ING Lion account.
A teaser poster campaign for the ING Lion bank account. Opening a ING LIon account is free of charge. A week later, stickers were added announcing the launch of the Lion account.
Art direction.
A teaser poster campaign for the ING Lion bank account. Opening a ING LIon account is free of charge. A week later, stickers were added announcing the launch of the Lion account.
Art direction.
Photography: Geert De Taeye. Creative Direction: Dominique van Doormaal. Retouching: Le Studio.

Aids Prevention Agency.
A poster campaign for the Aids Prevention Campaign. These long copy posters won a graphic design and a typography award.
A poster campaign for the Aids Prevention Campaign. These long copy posters won a graphic design and a typography award.
Copywriter: Philippe Thito. Graphic Design: Olivier Stenuit.

Copywriter: Fabrice Storti.

Renault Rip Curl.
Ad for a special Rip Curl edition of the Renault Clio. Renault and surf company Rip Curl have teamed up to produce a Rip Curl branded Renault Clio.
Copywriter: Fabrice Storti. Photography: Marc Paeps.

Behind the scene.